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US/CA Business Yellow Pages Database (13.8 Million Companies Phone, Zip Code, Website, Latitude & Longitude, etc.)

Database Description:

This database (9.9GB) contains all the 13.8 million companies & businesses across United States and Canada, with important information such as phone number (100%), website URL (35.1%), latitude (99.2%), longitude (99.2%), fax (1%), contact person (34.6%), street address (100%), zip code (99.3%), city (100%), state / province (100%), extended zip code (75.0%), estimated number of employees (30.4%), both NAICS & SIC classifications (100%). If you are ever in need of a complete database of North America based businesses / organizations / companies / corporations, this one is it. The total number of unique phone numbers is 11,375,789, website 2,214,232.

This is the 3rd edition / major update of this database. For the 4th edition, see US Yellow Pages (22.5 Million).

In this business directory database of United States and Canada, we have businesses classified under 18 business categories and further under 273 sub-categories, across 51 states of US, 13 provinces of Canada and 43,868 cities in both of them.

Database Meta:

  • Size: 10224.48 MB
  • Last updated: August 15th, 2014
  • Formats Included: MySQL dump .sql text file, CSV
  • Tables: 7

Buy Now & Download: $599.00 (USD)

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MySQL Database: US/CA Business Yellow Pages Database (13.8 Million Companies Phone, Zip Code, Website, Latitude & Longitude, etc.) for Sale

Table Details (Data Structure / Schema):

  • business

    All the business records containing information for each of the businesses in United States and Canada.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. address_html: varchar(255)
    4. street: varchar(255)
    5. city: varchar(255)
    6. zipcode: varchar(255)
    7. zipcode_extended: varchar(255)
    8. phone: varchar(255)
    9. contact_person: varchar(255)
    10. categories: text
    11. fax: varchar(255)
    12. website: varchar(255)
    13. estimated_number_of_employees: varchar(255)
    14. latitude: varchar(255)
    15. longitude: varchar(255)
    16. NAICS_categories: text
    17. SIC_categories: text
  • business2city2category_sub

    A business is related to cities and sub categories.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. business_id: int(11)
    3. city_id: int(11)
    4. category_sub_id: int(11)
    5. city2category_sub_id: int(11)
  • category

    Top categories table of major business types or industries.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
    4. count: int(11)
  • category_sub

    Sub categories of businesses, children of the top categories.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
    4. category_id: int(11)
    5. count: int(11)
  • city

    Cities in US and Canada.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
    4. state_province: char(2)
    5. country: char(2)
    6. count: int(11)
  • city2category_sub

    Combinations of cities and sub categories.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. city_id: int(11)
    3. category_sub_id: int(11)
    4. count: int(11)
  • state_province

    51 states of US and 13 provinces of Canada.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: char(2)
    4. country: char(2)
    5. count: int(11)

Buy Now & Download: $599.00 (USD)

Download link will be sent to your PayPal email. Please check spam folder in case you didn't see it in your inbox. Do contact us if you didn't receive it 10 minutes after payment. We will manually send you the download details in 24 hours. Our support staff work in the time zone of GMT+8.

Instant download upon payment success, just press return button on PayPal website after finishing payment.

Potential Applications / Usage:

  • US yellow pages site by zip codes
  • US business directory
  • Marketing intelligence
  • Business information site or application
  • Business maps, search and comparison site or app
  • Business reverse phone lookup

Other Available Formats:

Some of these formats are available on extra charge, depending on the database.

  • Plain CSV
  • CSV for Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Excel .XLS file (2008, 2007, 2003, 2000)
  • Microsoft Word .DOC file (2008, 2007, 2003, 2000)
  • LaTeX
  • Open Document Spreadsheet
  • Open Document Text
  • PDF
  • XML
  • YAML
  • WordPress Category / Post Database
  • Single Table Format

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