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Global Movies Database (28 Genres, 291,473 Titles, 287 Languages & 1.6 Million Images)

Database Description:

This is the ultimate movies / films database (MySQL, CSV) with a total of 291,473 movie titles of 28 genres across 132 years (1887 - 2018) from 216 countries in 287 languages, produced by 98,244 companies, tagged by 37,648 keywords, involving 129,080 characters, played, written, directed, and created by 944,639 people including playwrights, screen writers, directors, producers, actors, and actresses, whose detailed information are listed in the 'person' table.

There are also over 1.6 million JPEG images (1,547,429 general images + 64,817 movie posters / covers) of the movies, characters / roles, directors, actors / actresses, writers, producers, etc. Each gallery item / image is associated with a 'person' record, a 'character' record, or a 'movie' record.

Database Meta:

  • Size: 1.5 GB + 65.9 GB
  • Images / Multi-media: 1,623,576 JPEG image files, 65.9 GB. General images: ab/cd/{}.jpg (abcd = last 4 digits of file name, e.g. 888abcd.jpg); Movie covers: covers/{}.jpg
  • Last updated: Dec. 19th, 2014
  • Formats Included: MySQL dump .sql text file, CSV, MS Excel
  • Tables: 20

Buy Now & Download: $189.00 (USD)

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MySQL Database: Global Movies Database (28 Genres, 291,473 Titles, 287 Languages & 1.6 Million Images) for Sale

Table Details (Data Structure / Schema):

  • character

    Characters / roles in the movies.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
    4. biography: mediumtext
    5. quotes: mediumtext
  • company

    Companies that produce the movies.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
  • country

    Production countries.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
  • gallery

    Image gallery of this database.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
  • gallery2character

    Character images / pictures in the gallery.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. gallery_id: int(11)
    3. character_id: int(11)
  • gallery2movie

    Movie images / pictures in the gallery.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. gallery_id: int(11)
    3. movie_id: int(11)
    4. gallery_slug: varchar(255)
    5. movie_slug: varchar(255)
  • gallery2person

    Person images / pictures in the gallery.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. gallery_id: int(11)
    3. person_id: int(11)
    4. gallery_slug: varchar(255)
    5. person_slug: varchar(255)
  • genre

    Different genres of the movies.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
  • keyword

    Keywords of the movies.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
  • language

    Languages of the movies.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
  • movie

    Table containing all the movie titles and their detailed information.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
    4. year: int(10) unsigned
    5. also_known_as: varchar(255)
    6. users_rating_10: varchar(255)
    7. users_rating_10_total_votes: varchar(255)
    8. description: mediumtext
    9. storyline: mediumtext
    10. tagline: text
    11. mpaa_motion_picture_rating: text
    12. mpaa_rating: varchar(255)
    13. release_date: varchar(255)
    14. budget: varchar(255)
    15. opening_weekend: varchar(255)
    16. gross: varchar(255)
    17. runtime: varchar(255)
    18. sound_mix: text
    19. color: varchar(255)
    20. aspect_ratio: varchar(255)
    21. awards: text
    22. filming_locations: text
  • movie2character

    Association table of movies and characters.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. movie_id: int(11)
    3. character_id: int(11)
    4. person_id: int(11)
  • movie2company

    Association table of movies and companies.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. movie_id: int(11)
    3. company_id: int(11)
  • movie2country

    Association table of movies and countries.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. movie_id: int(11)
    3. country_id: int(11)
  • movie2genre

    Association table of movies and genres.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. movie_id: int(11)
    3. genre_id: int(11)
  • movie2keyword

    Association table of movies and keywords.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. movie_id: int(11)
    3. keyword_id: int(11)
  • movie2language

    Association table of movies and languages.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. movie_id: int(11)
    3. language_id: int(11)
  • movie2person

    Association table of movies and people.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. movie_id: int(11)
    3. person_id: int(11)
    4. job_title: varchar(255)
    5. job_description: varchar(255)
  • person

    People involved in making of the movies, writers, directors, producers, actors, actresses, etc.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: varchar(255)
    3. slug: varchar(255)
    4. is_a: varchar(255)
    5. gallery_id: int(11)
    6. born_name: varchar(255)
    7. born_date: varchar(255)
    8. born_place: varchar(255)
    9. awards: mediumtext
    10. height: varchar(255)
    11. alternate_names: mediumtext
    12. star_sign: varchar(255)
  • year

    Years in which movies are produced / released.

    Data fields

    1. id: int(11)
    2. title: int(10) unsigned

Buy Now & Download: $189.00 (USD)

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Potential Applications / Usage:

  • Movies portal
  • Movies website / application

Other Available Formats:

Some of these formats are available on extra charge, depending on the database.

  • Plain CSV
  • CSV for Microsoft Excel
  • Microsoft Excel .XLS file (2008, 2007, 2003, 2000)
  • Microsoft Word .DOC file (2008, 2007, 2003, 2000)
  • LaTeX
  • Open Document Spreadsheet
  • Open Document Text
  • PDF
  • XML
  • YAML
  • WordPress Category / Post Database
  • Single Table Format

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