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222,105 US Lawyers List Database (Email, Phone, Website, Zip code)
Database Description:
This attorneys database contains latest list (address, serving locality, phone number, fax, website URL, email and practice areas) of lawyers / attorneys and legal firms in United States.
Each lawyer or legal firm is identified by a state, a local city and a zip code. Each of them has a street address, a telephone number, a fax number, a website URL, an email, and is associated with a number of practice areas.
There are 135,220 unique email addresses, 86,508 unique telephone numbers, 42,492 unique fax numbers and 35,031 unique website URLs.
There are 86 different legal practice areas, 51 states and 6,918 localities that these lawyers are serving.
Database Meta:
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Table Details (Data Structure / Schema):
Records:222,105The table containing all the lawyers / attorneys records.
Data fields
- id: int(11)
- title: varchar(255)
- address: varchar(255)
- state: varchar(255)
- state_id: int(11)
- locality: varchar(255)
- locality_id: int(11)
- zip_code: varchar(255)
- telephone: varchar(255)
- fax: varchar(255)
- website: varchar(255)
- email: varchar(255)
- specialty_areas: text
Records:491,901Lawyer to practice area relationship table. Each lawyer or legal firm relates to multiple practice areas.
Data fields
- id: int(11)
- lawyer_id: int(11)
- practice_area_id: int(11)
Records:6,918Local city / town table.
Data fields
- id: int(11)
- state_id: int(11)
- title: varchar(255)
Records:86Different legal practice areas lawyers specialize in.
Data fields
- id: int(11)
- title: varchar(255)
Records:5151 states.
Data fields
- id: int(11)
- title: varchar(255)
Buy Now & Download: $189.00 (USD)
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Potential Applications / Usage:
- Legal help information site
- Lawyers directory / US attorney search by practice area and locality
Other Available Formats:
Some of these formats are available on extra charge, depending on the database.
- Plain CSV
- CSV for Microsoft Excel
- Microsoft Excel .XLS file (2008, 2007, 2003, 2000)
- Microsoft Word .DOC file (2008, 2007, 2003, 2000)
- LaTeX
- Open Document Spreadsheet
- Open Document Text
- WordPress Category / Post Database
- Single Table Format
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